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Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis Fifth Edition

This book is for everyone who has muscles (EVERYBODY), this is for you the regular gym enthusiasts, you who uses sports as a hobbie, YOU who uses exercises as part of rehab, YOU who wants to learn how to workout and not get hurt, YOU THE ONE WHO THINKS THAT KNOWS HOW TO EXERCISES.... YOU who wants to take care of your joints and make them last over the years, YOU the chiropractor, The physical therapist, the physiologists, massage therapists, personal trainers, YOU THE DOCTOR. This book teaches the basics of joint mechanics , most of the intricacies that come with FORCE and everything affected by it (joints/muscles)(injuries/exercise/rehab) this book is what everyone with muscles should KNOW, very in depth explanations and demonstrations about structure of all joints, why they move the way they move, how force affects joints and the functions of the muscles each of these joints.

Joint Structure and Function

وحدة SKU: 978-9350258675
    • Paperback
    • Publisher: Jaypee Medical Publishers India; 5th Edition edition (2012)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 9350258676
    • ISBN-13: 978-9350258675
    • ASIN: B0073XUF1G
    • Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 0.8 x 8.4 inches
    • Shipping Weight: 3 pounds
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