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Occupational Therapy And Mental Health [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2012] Slaich Veena

1. History of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health.
2. General Orientation and Definition.
3. Orientation to Psychiatric Occupational Therapy.
4. Prescription of Occupational Therapy.
5. General and Specific Objectives of Occupational Therapist.
6. Functions of Occupational Therapy.
7. Personality of an Occupational Therapist Dealing with Psychiatric Cases.
8. Occupational Therapy Department for Psychiatric Unit.
9. Meaning of Activities.
10. Activity Analysis.
11. Habit Training in Occupational Therapy.
12. Color Therapy in Psychiatric Interpretations.
13. Industrial Therapy to Psychiatric Cases in Occupational Therapy
14. Occupational Therapy as a Treatment Process.
15. Manic Depressive Psychoses.
16. Obsessive Neuroses.
17. Involutional Melancho lia.
18. Reactive Depression.
19. Drug Addiction.
20. Alcoholism.
21. Hysteria.
22. Anxiety Neuroses.
23. Psychosomatic Disorders.
24. Psychopathic Personalities.
25. Senile Dementia.
26. Role of Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill.
27. Utilization of Activities
28. Epilepsy.
29. Hospitalization leading to Fear and Hopelessness.
30. Elements of Occupational Therapy Process.
31. Employment of the Disabled.
32. Psychiatric Occupational Therapy.
33. Community Care.
34. Occupational Therapy in Mental Subnormality.Appendices.Index

Occupational Therapy And Mental Health

وحدة SKU: 9789350255520
    • Paperback: 246 pages
    • Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 1 edition (31 July 2012)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 9350255529
    • ISBN-13: 978-9350255520
    • Product Dimensions: 0.6 x 14 x 21.6 cm
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