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Practical Physiotherapy Prescriber

The main aim of the book was to quick diagnosis andrelevantphysiotherapy management for various medical andsurgicalconditions. The used language is very simple and thecontentwritten in pointed manner. Advanced physiotherapy managementwithdosage, duration of exercise therapy and electrotherapy,Dos/Donts,home advice, orthotic and prosthetic supports should bekept inmind while writing the book. This book covers variousmedical andsurgical conditions including skin and psychiatricconditions. 

Practical Physiotherapy Prescriber

وحدة SKU: 9789350259863
  • 1: Skin Diseases Chapter

    2: Respiratory Diseases Chapter

    3: Orthopaedic Conditions Chapter

    4: Neurological Conditions Chapter

    5: General Surgical Conditions Chapter

    6: Pulmonary/Cardiac Surgery Chapter

    7: Psychiatric Conditions Chapter

    8: Obstetrics/Gynecology Chapter

    9: ENT Chapter

    10: Miscellaneous

    Appendix Index

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